Sunday, March 25, 2012

case sensitive server - problems running scripts

I have just been given a new SQL Server 2000 box to look after in production. I just tried to run a standard t-sql script I use for setting up backup jobs and so on. However, it failed with a long list of errors - quite a surprise at first since I have run the same script on many other servers wihtout a hitch. On close examination, the problem appears to be that the new serer is setup with a server default collation... Latin1_General_BIN (I think a binary based collation makes this a case sensitive server).

This is quite an urgenet one since I have to get this wrapped up today. I don't think I can change the server's default collation without a lot of red-tape. Is there a quick way to run my scripts in a 'case insenstive' context within Query Analyzer? If so, how?

Thanks in advance,

CliveWe have that problem all of the time with the PeopleSoft servers. They can only run with binary sort orders.

If you find a way to work around the case sensitivity, please let me know!

-PatP|||Ok, well thanks anyway. It seems a bit over the top for a server to be set to case senstive by default. Even the master database is case sensitive as a result. I can't see why the s/w vendor couldn't have left the default server collation alone and just been a bit more selective about what tables/columns actually needed a _BIN collation. Laziness I suppose.

Clive|||Binary sort order os a bit faster than case sensitive, as it bypasses all of the checks for 'A' = 'a'. That aside, you should probably go over the script and change the identifiers (table names, column names) to be the proper case (fortunately this is all lowercase for system tables), and change all of your variables to be the same case throughout. The variables can be doe with find/replace very easily. After that, you would have a new script that would work on Latin1_General_CI_AS, _BIN, and _CS_AS servers.

Since i have a couple of case sensitive servers around, I have had to write all of my own scripts to be able to handle case sensitivity. Even the ones that "should" only run on the case insensitive ones. It is a good habit to get into.|||All of our main production servers are Latin1_General_BIN_437 which is actually what yours probably is. This was recommended back in the old days when it was based on 6.5. Since they reworked the architecture, It doesn't really make any difference on speed. Since it's not the industry standard to use this, it's just a big pain. Anyway, I've learned to use all upper-case for my commands and lower-case for my objects. We have a program at work that will automagically convert all your code for you. I'll see if I can "share" it with you. Saves soooooooo much time.

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