Is it possible to capture delta for a specific table or capture DML statemen
executed against a specific table?
thanks> Is it possible to capture delta for a specific table or capture DML
> statement
> executed against a specific table?
With SQL Server, you get SQL Profiler that enables you to catch any
statement sent to SQL Server, including DML statements. Findind differences
in data is quite simple, if you have a stable PK and a timestamp column.
Anyway, you can help yourself with 3rd party tools as well. Some of them
- Red-Gate SQL Compare ( helps you comparing the
- Red-Gate SQL Data Compare ( helps you comparing
the data
- Lumigent AuditDB helps you with auditing ( -
easier than Profiler
Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of the
This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and it
does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any other
person, company or institution mentioned in this message|||The SchemaCrawler tool helps you compare the schema and data of a
database with a reference version. SchemaCrawler outputs details of
your schema (tables, views, procedures, and more) in a diff-able
plain-text format (text, CSV, or XHTML). SchemaCrawler can also output
data (including CLOBs and BLOBs) in the same plain-text formats. You
can use a standard diff program to diff the current output with a
reference version of the output.
SchemaCrawler is free, open-source, cross-platform (operating system
and database) tool, written in Java, that is available at SourceForge:
You will need to provide a JDBC driver for your database. No other
third-party libraries are required. A lot of examples are available
with the download to help you get started.
Sualeh Fatehi.|||Well, Infact I need to capture delta so I can publish it or apply it to the
datawarehouse. Is there any other effective way to do this?
"" wrote:
> The SchemaCrawler tool helps you compare the schema and data of a
> database with a reference version. SchemaCrawler outputs details of
> your schema (tables, views, procedures, and more) in a diff-able
> plain-text format (text, CSV, or XHTML). SchemaCrawler can also output
> data (including CLOBs and BLOBs) in the same plain-text formats. You
> can use a standard diff program to diff the current output with a
> reference version of the output.
> SchemaCrawler is free, open-source, cross-platform (operating system
> and database) tool, written in Java, that is available at SourceForge:
> You will need to provide a JDBC driver for your database. No other
> third-party libraries are required. A lot of examples are available
> with the download to help you get started.
> Sualeh Fatehi.
In fact, SchemaCrawler, when coupled with any standard diff tool will
help you to capture and publish the diffs. Am I missing something in
your use case?
Sualeh Fatehi.|||Seems like schema crawler takes the whole schema. Whereas I am concerned mor
with a few defined tables. Hope this clearifies the confusion.
"" wrote:
> Shahab,
> In fact, SchemaCrawler, when coupled with any standard diff tool will
> help you to capture and publish the diffs. Am I missing something in
> your use case?
> Sualeh Fatehi.
>|||In fact, with SchemaCrawler you can specify exactly which tables, and
which columns are you interested in. Please look at the how-to section
of the website.
Sualeh Fatehi.
shahab wrote:
> Seems like schema crawler takes the whole schema. Whereas I am concerned m
> with a few defined tables. Hope this clearifies the confusion.|||Have you thought about putting a trigger on the table that is changing
and having it output the delta to another table?
On Oct 26, 4:08 pm, wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> In fact, with SchemaCrawler you can specify exactly which tables, and
> which columns are you interested in. Please look at the how-to section
> of the website.
> Sualeh Fatehi.
> shahab wrote:
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